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lunes, enero 08, 2007 

1 Añoooooo

Hoy este humilde cuchitril seudo literario-fotográfico-pornográfico-etcétera cumple su primer año. Más que una evolución de este espacio creo que en 365 das a sufrido una degeneración extrema, pasando de rincón cartársico a muro de lamentos, de crítico de cine a fan from hell y así en una constante metamorfosis.

Agradezco a todos y cada uno de ustedes el tomarse unos cuantos minutos para leer estas letras que han recorrido el ciber espacio de un lado a otro, a todos los que han visitado este oscuro lugar y aún más a los que se han quedado grabados en él con comentarios o saludos.

Gracias por acompañarme en este largo recorrido a la tierra de Nowhereland, que al parecer aún esta muy lejos...

In NoX We TrusT

Uhmm, el tiempo vuela cuando uno se divierte, felicidades por el aniversario. Ojalá y no sea el último.

felicidfades por tu blog muy bien sigue asi

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Who the Hell am I?

  • I'm NoX
  • From Nowhereland, Nowhereland
A profundidad...

Say Something, Anything!

NoX is listening and recomends...

Everybody sing along

    I, I still remember

    how you looked that afternoon

    There was only you

    You said "it's just like a full moon"

    Blood beats faster in our veins

    We left our trousers by the canal

    And our fingers, they almost touched

    You should have asked me for it

    I would have been brave

    You should have asked me for it

    How could I say no?

    And our love could have soared

    Over playgrounds and rooftops

    Every park bench screams your name

    I kept your tie

    I've gone wherever you wanted

    (I still remember)

    And on that teachers' training day

    We wrote our names on every train

    Laughed at the people off to work

    So monochrome and so lukewarm

    And I can see our days are becoming nights

    I could feel your heartbeat across the grass

    We should have run

    I would go with you anywhere

    I should have kissed you by the water

    You should have asked me for it

    I would have been brave

    You should have asked me for it

    How could I say no?

    And our love could have soared

    Over playgrounds and rooftops

    Every park bench screams your name

    I kept your tie

    I would let you if you asked me

    I still remember

    "I Still Remember"

    Bloc Party/A Weekend In The City(2007) Bloc Party/A Weekend In The City

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